This Taoist Tai Chi Short Form DVD Video Download with Qigong exercises is based on the Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan but is only 24 moves and only takes 5 minutes to perform.
This Video Download is demonstrated by Master Graham Horwood the Chief Instructor and Founder of the Taoist Group (est 1976).
The video includes Qigong exercises and The Tai Chi Short Form which is based move for move on the traditional Tai Chi Long Form by the Yang Family.
This demonstration video totals 35 minutes of expert and clear to follow instruction that also includes breathing techniques along with Qigong exercises, Yin Yang Breathing Form, Chi Form, The Open and Close Form and Bonus footage of The Individual 24 postures masterfully demonstrated and easy to follow.
Perfect Tai Chi Yang Style and Qigong for Beginners and also ideal for Experts looking to master their form!
Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style will exploit the inner force of the body called Chi. Chi is the energy responsible for the whole emotive force of the organs, the thinking processes circulation and regeneration. The chi circulates through the body every 24 hours in one cycle stimulating and cleansing the various blockages in the body. Tai Chi Chuan, if performed correctly and wonderfully demonstrated in this video by Master Graham Horwood will stimulate the chi which is housed in the kidney area, it will circulate it, balance it and also store a surplus. One form of Tai Chi Chuan is the equivalent of a regular 24 hours cycle of chi so it is a form of internal acupuncture without needles. Tai Chi Chuan is of course only one aspect of health which is very powerful and this should be incorporated with a healthy balanced diet and a lifestyle that is conducive to harmony. Therefore Tai Chi being one of the oldest and most successful exercises that has ever been devised by human kind is an excellent way of stimulating and maintaining the chi circulation which is the motive force of the body. This is also explained in Graham Horwood’s book Tai Chi Chuan and the Code of Life to show how chi is related to DNA structure.
Chi Kung and posture:
Chi King means the science of the chi (chi is the internal energy that runs through the meridians ) In the Yang Family style Tai Chi there is method of stimulating the energy so mind and chi can come together and in this dvd video Master Graham Horwood demonstrates two distinct postures (one on each leg) which will enable you to connect the mind and the chi together to be able to circulate the chi at will through the body. This is a precursor to the moving the energy in the Tai Chi Form. This is known as movement within stillness.
Once you see this demonstration ( practicing to begin with may seem awkward ) you will have actually started to circulate and stimulate the Chi Flow in the body. So even for Tai Chi beginners doing this technique for the first time you will feel your body’s energy being in a state of activity to help cause harmony. Of course harmony and the energy balance of mind and body is what Tai Chi is all about. All this helps create stability so one can live in a more balanced way.